Echo and Narcissus - Panels
Echo and Narcissus - Panels
This is the first of three paintings depicting the story of Echo and Narcissus. Echo, a mountain nymph, see's Narcissus, a handsome young man, and falls profoundly in love with him. Unfortunately, at that very moment Narcissus glances at the water in a nearby stream and also falls deeply in love with his own image. Narcissus ultimately withers away and is replaced by the plant named after him. I use the panels to represent the drama of the mournful Echo, the plant that sprang from Narcissus, and the ripples in the water caused by Echo's tear. The combined panels also represent the golden ratio, whereby the reflection at the tip of the narcissus flower is at the point of negative infinity becoming progressively smaller. The panel of sky above these images represents the positive infinity of the universe.
This is the first of three paintings depicting the story of Echo and Narcissus. Echo, a mountain nymph, see's Narcissus, a handsome young man, and falls profoundly in love with him. Unfortunately, at that very moment Narcissus glances at the water in a nearby stream and also falls deeply in love with his own image. Narcissus ultimately withers away and is replaced by the plant named after him. I use the panels to represent the drama of the mournful Echo, the plant that sprang from Narcissus, and the ripples in the water caused by Echo's tear. The combined panels also represent the golden ratio, whereby the reflection at the tip of the narcissus flower is at the point of negative infinity becoming progressively smaller. The panel of sky above these images represents the positive infinity of the universe.